What is anovulation and how to treat it

Have you ever heard of anovulation? Many women do not know exactly what it is, but it is necessary to know it to know what happens if you do not have your period. When you don’t have your period and there are no clots, you can’t conceive. But what causes anovulation and how can it be treated?

What is anovulation and how is it treated?

  • Anovulation means the lack of ovulation, that is, there is no period because there is no ovum. Ovulation, which is the release of an egg from the ovary, occurs in order to achieve a pregnancy and for the species to continue to grow thanks to the offspring. If ovulation is irregular but not completely absent, it is called oligovulation, but not anovulation. Although both anovulation and oligovulation are ovulatory dysfunctions. Ovulatory dysfunction is a common cause of female infertility, occurring in up to 40% of infertile women.
  • The most common causes that can cause anovulation are: stress, excessive exercise and eating habits. When women are overweight or underweight, their bodies react differently to the hormonal changes that occur. A vigorous exercise program or a very active lifestyle can also affect hormones and fertility.
  • A doctor will diagnose if it is a case of anovulatory cycles or not with different tests. Treatment will depend on test results. If it is decided that the causes are natural or derived from external influences, natural remedies are prescribed – good eating habits, control of exercise, etc.-. If the cause of anovulation is due to internal imbalances, the doctor may consider prescribing medications designed to increase estrogen, follicle maturation, or to help a woman release an egg. The most drastic method is surgery, but it will only be carried out if the woman has some type of tumor.

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