How to know what your menstrual cup size is

Have you ever considered that there is life beyond tampons and pads? You may have heard of the menstrual cup, which is used to comfortably collect menstruation when inserted into the vagina. If you are considering starting to use it, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is how to know what your menstrual cup size is. We tell you the keys to choose the one that best suits you.

My menstrual cup size

  • The different brands that sell menstrual cups use their own measurements but, in general, they are usually found in two sizes. The sexologist María Esclapez explains that, depending on your characteristics and needs, you will feel more comfortable with one or the other.
  • Small menstrual cup. If you have not given birth vaginally and/or do not have excessive menstrual flow, you should use a small-sized menstrual cup. This size is suitable for women with a strong pelvic floor.
  • Large menstrual cup. If you have given birth vaginally and/or have heavy menstrual flow, you will feel more comfortable with the large size.
  • This type of menstrual cup is also more suitable for women with a weak pelvic floor. It is important to strengthen this musculature as it will bring many benefits for women: they will enjoy more pleasurable orgasms, prevent urine loss, improve vaginal lubrication… Take note of the following exercises to tone your pelvic floor:
  • If you notice that the stem of your menstrual cup is sticking out, you can cut it, being careful not to cut it too much. You must leave some base to be able to extract it more easily.

Menstrual cup: advantages and disadvantages

The comfort of the menstrual cup

Menstrual cups are very comfortable since you can use them for about 12 hours, unlike tampons. If you have put it on correctly, you will not feel that you are wearing it.

Practice to learn how to put it on

There are women who can find it very difficult to introduce the menstrual cup. When not put on correctly, it can cause discomfort and leak fluid. However, it only takes a little practice to learn how to place it well.

Emptying the menstrual cup

One of the biggest inconveniences that can put women back is emptying. However, it is as simple as taking it out, emptying its contents, cleaning it in a sink with intimate soap and water and reintroducing it. Making this change in a public bathroom can be somewhat unpleasant. But you should keep in mind that you can take it up to 12 hours, so you can wait to do it when you’re at home. In an emergency, you can use a wipe to clean your menstrual cup before reinserting it.

The menstrual cup does not cause allergies

The menstrual cup is safe since it is usually made of surgical silicone that does not usually cause allergies.

Do not menstruate more than fits in the cup

Many women may think that the menstrual cup is too small for how much they bleed each period. However, as the sexologist María Esclapez points out, only about 100 milliliters of rule are expelled for each cycle, that is, the equivalent of a small cup of coffee. In this way, if you were to leave the menstrual cup on during the entire menstrual cycle (something that you should not do since it is not recommended to use it for more than 12 hours in a row), it could retain this 100 ml.

The menstrual cup is ecological

The menstrual cup is ecological since using it reduces the use of plastics and environmental pollution that involves flushing the tampon down the toilet.

The menstrual cup is an investment

In the long run, it is a worthwhile investment. Although it costs more than a box of tampons, the same menstrual cup can last several years if you take good care of it.

From these advantages and disadvantages, decide if the menstrual cup is a good method to pick up your period for you.

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