During the period, there are many women who see their day to day altered. Some even have to stay at home because pain, vomiting and general malaise do not allow them to get up. It must be taken into account that these pains that some women present during their period should not be normalized, and should always be studied by their gynecologist since sometimes they could be showing a disease that must be controlled, such as endometriosis.
In addition, during menstruation, many other questions may arise, for example when it coincides with having certain medical tests done. It is then when you ask yourself, can I have a blood test if I have my period? And what about urine tests? In this article we help you answer all these questions.
Are the blood tests and the period compatible?
- While you are on your period, depending on the bleeding you present, it may happen that your red blood cells drop and the numbers indicated by your coagulation study are altered. If during these days in which you have your period you perform a blood test, your results can speak of a possible drop in values such as iron and non-existent anemia.
- The best thing is to finish your cycle and wait about five more days for your body to regenerate the red blood cells that you have lost during menstruation. It is at this moment that the woman presents in a more realistic way how she is from the analytical point of view, since as we have mentioned, these analyzes can show us anemia secondary to bleeding that she considers normal.
- Doctors will always advise you to try to control your menstrual cycle so that the day of the blood tests does not coincide with the period. But, if you cannot change the appointment of your medical tests for whatever reason, when you go to collect your report, tell the doctor about this circumstance in case at any time he detects something strange. If you have blood tests during your period, do not cancel them and only tell your doctor on which days you have done them. If it is about hormonal analysis, on some occasions it is your gynecologist who will advise you to do it on certain days of your menstrual cycle.
Are urine tests recommended while you have your period?
- On the other hand, now that we have seen what happens with blood tests during menstruation, it may be the case that you have to take a urine test. What happens if you have your period during these urine tests? In this case, the results can be altered by the fact that you are menstruating.
- The reason is that the urine could be contaminated with the abundant blood that you expel on those days when you have your period. It is known as hematuria, that is, blood in the urine. Hematuria can be seen in urine infections and, therefore, if you perform urine tests at that time because you have no other option, you should tell your doctor that you were menstruating at the time of the test.
Other factors that can influence the alteration of blood tests in addition to menstruation
- Blood tests must be done at least once a year, to see that your health is perfect and that there are no problems. Managing your own health is very important, whether you are menstruating or not. In fact, to perform a blood test, you must follow a certain protocol: for example, not drink or eat anything during the 8 hours prior to performing the analysis (candy or chewing gum are also included) so that errors are not generated in the indices of glucose. It is also recommended not to perform aggressive exercise the night before, because red blood cells, bilirubin and uric acid can be modified.
- You must also take other factors into account when performing blood tests, in addition to the fact that you are menstruating or not at the time of performing them. Two of the most important are the following:
Consumption of certain medications
Medications such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatories or aspirin can affect blood coagulation, as well as vitamins such as C or E. Therefore, when you are scheduled for blood tests, you should notify your doctor of the consumption of these medications, in case you have to stop the treatment a few days before so that the results are not affected.
Alcohol and tobacco
Before the blood draw, reduce your desire to light a cigarette. Depending on your age or complexion, smoking before the blood test can change the glucose curve. On the other hand, the consumption of alcoholic beverages should be avoided for at least three days before the date of the analysis. In this way, you will be able to obtain much more accurate results in values such as cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose or liver enzymes.