Causes of menstrual pain: learn to control it

Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea are cramps that occur before or during the menstrual period. Many women in our world suffer from pain when they have their menstruation and it is that the contractions of the uterus can make a woman feel real discomfort and a lot of pain, having different types of symptoms. The good news is that pain can be alleviated, as long as you keep a few guidelines in mind.

The symptoms of dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps are: pain in the abdomen, a feeling of pressure in the abdomen, swelling, pain in the hips, lower back and even the inner thighs. Also, if the symptoms are very severe, you can have an upset stomach, vomiting and even diarrhea.

How to control menstrual pain on your period

Menstrual cramps and pains are caused by contractions of the uterus. The pear-shaped uterus where the baby would grow contracts throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle. If the uterus contracts too strongly it can press against the nearest blood vessels and cut off the oxygen supply to the muscle tissue causing pain when the muscle part briefly loses this oxygen.

To control menstrual pain, you can take into account some things such as:

  • Breath control. If you do breathing exercises you will be controlling the oxygen that enters and leaves your body, you will relax and you will be able to feel less pain. It is important to know that our emotional and psychological life can also translate into what happens to us physically.
  • Meditation can also help you improve menstrual pain and control its intensity. Nothing better than relaxing so that we are in perfect condition and that menstrual pain does not affect us.
  • Apply heat. You can apply a heating pad or a hot water bottle to the area that hurts. When the pain is quite acute, having heat in the place where the pain is located can help us feel better as the hours go by.
  • Hot water bath. A good bath can also give you relief. Remember that to relax you will need to have heat in the areas of abdominal pain or in the part of the kidneys, where the focus is really located.
  • Pills for menstrual cramps. So that nothing hurts, it is better to take the pill just when your period starts or just when you start to notice the pain. It is always recommended that we consult the gynecologist or our family doctor about the medication that we should take at this point

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