Menstruation every 15 days, what is happening to me?

As you already know, each woman is different and each one has her own experience with her period. Despite this, with the great social pressure to which many are subjected, there comes a time when you don’t know what is normal and what is worrying. That is, to give an example, is it normal for your period to come down every 28 days as everyone thinks? The truth is that many are out of the average having it every 21 or 45 days, a menstrual period range that is also normal and much more frequent than you think, although most women have cycles of 28 to 30 days.

When women deviate from what is established as “normal” they begin to worry a lot about their health. Above all, when it comes to establishing how often the period should go down. There are girls who even have their period every 15 days, but is this normal? What is happening to me? They will wonder. The first thing you should keep in mind is that you should go to the doctor, because in the hands of a professional you will be much more advised and safe. In any case, in this article we are going to tell you about some of the reasons why you could have this menstrual cycle although, as we already said, it will be the specialist who will advise you best depending on your case.

What hides having the rule every 15 days

Some experts consider a normal menstrual cycle to be one that oscillates between 21 and 45 days. When you get out of that time frame is when we can start to worry (although we shouldn’t be scared) about having irregular cycles. In this sense, having the period every 15 days (that is, twice a month) can be a symptom with which our body is warning us that something is happening. The causes can vary, from emotional reasons or stress to diseases such as endometriosis. Let’s see it!

Emotional causes

It is one of the factors that most affects the regularity of our rule. When we have periods of work stress, emotional stress, anxiety, we don’t rest well or we worry about something, our menstruation can be affected.

Do you eat well?

Eating disorders and the fact of not providing our body with the nutrients it really needs can lead to shorter menstrual cycles than we have had up to now. The lack of vitamin B6, magnesium or iron are some of the nutrients that can affect us in this regard.


Endometriosis is characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. This pathology has as its main symptom a very acute pain in the rules that does not calm down even with medication. In addition, it has many other features such as shorter periods, intense and frequent. In this case it could be adenomyosis or uterine endometriosis. But, as we said, it is best to see a doctor before making your own diagnosis.


For its part, polymenorrhea is an alteration of the menstrual cycle in which the rule comes down every so often. To consider it a disease (and not something punctual) it is necessary that this happen during three quarters of the year. One of the causes of polymenorrhea is insufficient production of the hormone progesterone, and in this case, it can be treated with birth control pills. However, if it is detected that the rule drops every so often, it is best to write down the dates and consult with the doctor so that he can find the origin of the problem.

Polyps and fibroids

Polyps and fibroids can cause irregular staining or cycle shortening. If so, this pathology will be seen with a simple ultrasound, therefore, the ideal thing is that you go to your doctor or gynecologist since they will be the best person to help you.

As you can see, everything in the body is connected, therefore, it is very important to enjoy good health and a mental and physical balance so that it does not end up taking its toll on us. Resting, not worrying too much, looking for solutions, taking care of your body with what it really needs and taking periodic visions are just some of the factors that can help you feel comfortable with yourself. In addition, you will be able to detect and put a quick solution to the various problems that your reproductive system may experience, such as menstruation every 15 days.

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