Due to the hormonal changes that occur, experiencing dizziness during menstruation is quite likely. An unpleasant confused feeling that occurs in our head that makes everything spin and even makes us feel like we are going to faint. And that it can also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and headaches, among other things. Can period dizziness be avoided? What are its most common causes and its remedies? In this article we tell you.
We remind you that the following information serves as a guide and in no way replaces the medical recommendations given in the framework of a personalized consultation. If you experience dizziness during menstruation and seek medical advice, you should always consult with professional medical personnel.
Why do I feel dizzy when my period comes down?
Dizziness during the days that the period lasts or even during pre-menstruation are temporary and are usually due to the following causes:
- The decrease in hormones causes an activation of the sympathetic nervous system. In some women, the compensatory response of the vagal nervous system, particularly to postural changes that include standing or straining, triggers (orthostatic) hypotension with dizziness.
- The production of prostaglandins (inflammatory substances that we produce in the uterus and that are necessary for the period to occur) cause colicky pain, activation of the sympathetic nervous system and, on some occasions, can trigger dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Menstrual bleeding, sometimes intense, also activates automatic responses of our reflex nervous system and induces hypotension with dizziness.
- During these hormonal changes there are variations (generally minimal) in oxygen consumption, lactate accumulation, body weight, fluid regulation, innervation of the diaphragm by the phrenic or vagal nerve, changes in performance index, and perceived exertion. In this sense, in some patients with greater vagal sensitivity they become more evident.
- Menstrual cramps. During the period, the uterine lining is eliminated, which is no longer necessary because the pregnancy has not occurred. To do this, the uterine muscles contract and we notice it in the form of cramps. When they are strong and intense, in addition to noticing pain and weakness, we can experience dizziness. And, if these cramps make you less hungry, your energy will be lower, so you’ll be more likely to get dizzy, especially if you’re exerting yourself or being stressed.
- Voltage drop. The fact of losing blood continuously for several days, especially if the rules are abundant, causes our blood pressure to decrease, which can cause dizziness and instability.
- Living in situations of stress or nervousness, especially when we are on our period, can favor the feeling of dizziness, as well as greater discomfort or fatigue.
- Lack of iron. Another cause of suffering from dizziness when we are on our periods is that, if you have early iron deficiency anemia, when bleeding occurs, this vitamin deficiency will be further accentuated. The lack of iron in our body makes us feel much weaker and without strength, and we can even faint at times.
- Use of the contraceptive pill. Are you taking the pill? You should know that among its most common side effects include dizziness. If you think the reason may be there, make an appointment with your gynecologist to assess the change in contraceptive.
- Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). The cause of PMDD is unknown, but it is believed that this variant of PMS, in addition to causing irritability, mood swings, and food cravings, can cause dizziness and tiredness.
- Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). If the dizziness is also accompanied by other symptoms such as high fever, red spots on the skin, confusion and muscle pain, you may be suffering, although it is rare, what is known as Toxic Shock Syndrome. This syndrome is caused by the Staphylococcus Aureus bacterium and can be developed by incorrect or prolonged use of tampons.
This is what you should do when you get dizzy from your period
- If you feel dizzy, first of all, stop what you are doing and sit or lie down in a comfortable and safe place until the unsteady feeling has passed.
- Make sure you are well hydrated and have adequate blood sugar intake. Drink some water and have something sweet, you will see how much better you feel.
- If dizziness is frequent when your period comes, does not go away after a while of rest or appears every day, you should consult your doctor for advice on what to do depending on your case and how to solve it.
Tips to prevent dizziness during menstruation
There are several very simple things you can do to take better care of your health in general and avoid feeling dizzy every time you get your period. The following tips will be of great help!
Drink plenty of water
Drinking plenty of water will keep you hydrated and will also provide you with more energy. You can also make rich fruit juices from time to time, the contribution of sugar present in fruits will give you the vitality you need.
Follow a healthy diet
You have to eat well, healthy and varied every day of the year. But you must also seek a special contribution the days before the period and during it. Take foods with a high iron content and easily absorbed such as lentils, mussels, whole grains and green vegetables that will help you alleviate this loss of iron and recover energy.
Iron supplements
If you notice that eating is not enough, make an appointment with your doctor to do a blood test and check your iron levels. You may need a vitamin supplement. And, in the event that this is the case, include more fiber-rich foods in your weekly diet since iron tends to cause constipation.
Do not smoke or drink alcohol
Avoid smoking at least during those days, the harmful components of tobacco can lower blood pressure, thus enhancing dizziness. Do not drink alcoholic beverages either because, in addition to harming your health, they will make you sick if you need to take paracetamol or ibuprofen for pain.
Avoid making great physical efforts
It is advisable to change the physical exercise routine during those days. You can exercise according to your needs, however, training in a less intense or gentle way can have a good effect when it comes to increasing your well-being.
How to cope with the first day of menstruation
- The regular menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days, beginning with the first day you bleed and lasting until the next period arrives. The average number of days that the period usually lasts is usually from two to seven days. So, what for some is something temporary, for others instead it is something much longer.
- What they all tend to agree on is how intense the first and especially the second day is in terms of bleeding. During the first and second day, you tend to lose around 70% of the amount of menstrual flow.
- As a recommendation for this first day of the period, rest and rest are advised, as well as putting a little heat in the area of the ovaries or even in the kidneys to relieve pain. Of course, you should never normalize menstrual pain. If it is too intense, it is recommended to go to a gynecologist to perform the relevant tests.
- For the rest of the days of the period it is advisable to do a little moderate exercise. It comes in handy to lift your spirits and continue with the healthy lifestyle that characterizes us.
And what to do if the period lasts more than a week?
- As we said, the rule usually lasts from two to seven days, but, in the event that it lasts more than a week, first of all the cause must be found out. Hormonal changes typical of adolescence or premenopause, having taken the morning after pill, as well as different disorders that affect the uterus can cause the period to last longer than normal.
- In the event that the bleeding, in addition to lasting more than 7 days, is abundant, so much so that it is necessary to change it every hour, you will have to contact the specialist. The doctor will ask you about your medical history, as well as the regularity of your menstrual cycles, and will request tests that help him understand your problem and give you appropriate treatment.
- In any case, the most appropriate thing is always to make an appointment with the specialist so that he can do the appropriate check-ups and you can clear up any doubts about what is happening.