There are different disorders caused by menstruation, such as premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea. The woman knows her body and can guess the meaning of the symptoms that occur within it. They can also be divided into the different phases of the menstrual cycle.
Menstruation and its disorders
- During the preovulation phase, women have a lot of energy and strength. When the ovulation phase is already entered, the most characteristic pain is that which occurs in the lower part of the abdomen, along with this increases vaginal discharge. Later, in the post-ovulation phase, what is known as premenstrual syndrome occurs, manifesting feelings of sadness, lack of concentration or swelling of the belly.
- Apart from PMS, we also find that women suffer from dysmenorrhea. It is a very intense pain that can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting or dizziness. The ways to alleviate this ailment would be a warm and relaxing bath or an abdomen massage.
- Another disorder derived from menstruation is presenting an irregular period. In general, menstrual cycles usually last 28 days, although between 21 and 35 days is considered normal and, during the first years of menstruation, the cycle is usually irregular but is not cause for alarm.
- When several years have passed since our first menstruation and the cycle has not yet been established as normal, we can talk about a disorder. A longer cycle adopts the term opsomenorrhea, that is, an excessively low number of periods per year. It may be due to some hormonal disorder, but the gynecologist is the most appropriate to give an assessment. In the opposite case where the cycles are shorter, the disorder is renamed proiomenorrhea, in which the cycles last less than 25 days. Another disorder is amenorrhea, the absence of menstruation. It usually occurs after pregnancy or due to changes in diet and daily routines.
- The consequences of these disorders vary depending on the woman, but the most common are metabolic disorders, weight gain, emotional stressors, hormonal problems, and taking medications.