Amenorrhea: causes of not having the period

Amenorrhea consists of the absence of menstruation, either because we have never had it yet, or because, once with it, we stop having it. These two types are known as primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. We tell you what each one of them consists of and we analyze the possible causes of not having the period. Very attentive!

Primary amenorrhea

It occurs when menarche has not appeared before the age of 16. When menstruation arrives after that age we find what is called late menarche. It is usually common in adolescents who are underweight or who practice a sport professionally. Due to any of these cases, the body has not fully developed and is not ready for pregnancy, so the arrival of the first rule is delayed.

Causes of primary amenorrhea

  • Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
  • The ovaries suffer from an abnormality and do not function properly.
  • Diseases such as cystic fibrosis.
  • Infection inside the uterus.
  • Problems in the part of the brain where hormones are made.

Secondary amenorrhea

This type of amenorrhea occurs when, after a woman has had her period normally in each of her cycles, it suddenly stops. In this case, the absence of menstruation is not diagnostic in itself, but is a symptom of another disorder, manifested in this way, among others.

Causes of secondary amenorrhea

  • Serious psychological problems, anxiety or depression among others
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • Very low body fat (less than 17%).
  • Certain drugs.
  • Overactive thyroid gland.

The treatment of secondary amenorrhea will depend on the problem or disease that causes it, so it is essential to go to a doctor so that they can find the origin of the disorder and remedy it. In general, once this problem is solved, the menstrual cycle would have to return to normal, thus recovering menstruation.

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