Does your rule come down twice a month? Find out what’s up

In the event that you have an irregular menstrual cycle, it is very likely that your period will come down twice in the same month, or that your period will not come down after more than 35 days and that each cycle is different. But how do you know if the cycles are regular or irregular? Find out what a woman’s period is like and what other causes can cause the rule to come down more frequently.

How is the menstrual cycle?

  1. A woman’s menstrual cycle begins at puberty (around age 12, although periods are possible from ages 10 to 15) and continues until menopause (approximately 45 to 55 years). The lining of the uterus is shed through vaginal bleeding, which means that the woman who has her period is in her fertile period.
  2. The menstrual period lasts between 2 and 7 days and, as a general rule, when it comes to a normal or regular menstrual cycle, it usually occurs approximately every 28 days, although it must be taken into account that within 21–26 and up to 35 days It is also usually considered normal.
  3. The menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of the period to the first day of the next period. For its part, the menstrual flow can occur every 21 to 35 days, its duration is usually from 2 to 7 days.

Regular menstrual cycle vs. irregular menstrual cycle

Since menstruation makes its appearance in a woman’s life, it is recommended that we learn to keep track of how often it occurs and whether it is regular or irregular. Sometimes it often happens that a woman does not keep an exact record of her period, she gets confused and thinks that she has had her period twice in the same month when, in reality, it is two different menstrual cycles. Something that happens especially in adolescence. But how exactly can you tell if your cycle is regular or irregular? Take note of what we tell you below.

Regular menstrual cycle

A menstrual cycle is considered to be regular when the rule occurs every 28 or 30 days. This period is approximate and may vary two days before or after the dates indicated. Does this mean that women who do not have their period exactly every 28 or 30 days are not regular? Not at all. As long as your menstruation occurs with a similar periodicity, then you will be regular, that is, if your period comes on the 26th one month, the next on the 28th and the next on the 27th, it is considered that you are absolutely regular. Or even if they are not exact periods in number of days, if they are periods within what we have described as usual (from 26 to 35 days), we consider them to be regular cycles.

To determine the regularity of your menstruation, it is important that you keep a record for at least four consecutive months, although the ideal is that if you do not take hormonal contraceptives, you should always keep track of when your periods come so that you can be aware of everything. In this way, you will also detect your fertile days more easily.

Irregular menstrual cycle

If your period always occurs with different periodicities, it is absent for a few months and it is very difficult for you to determine the time intervals between one menstrual bleeding and another, then you should know that you have irregular cycles. In these cases, it is very common for the rule to occur twice a month. And, even more frequently, that it disappears for more than a month.

Irregularity in menstrual cycles is quite common in adolescence, especially when the first periods appear, and also when they are coming to an end (perimenopause). In turn, these irregular cycles are frequent after pregnancy and when starting or stopping using a contraceptive method. Therefore, a woman can have irregular cycles at certain times and then become regular, which is why keeping track of periods is so helpful.

Menstruation twice a month at puberty or menopause

  • As we said, women experience strong hormonal changes both at the beginning of puberty (when girls have their first period) and at the end of their menstrual cycles (a stage known as pre or menopause and which usually takes place, on average, around 50 years old).
  • During the first periods (even the first three years from when it first appears) it is very common for girls to have irregular cycles, absence of menstruation for a few months, difficulty establishing the periodicity between periods and even two periods in the same month. These cases are usually considered normal, although it is important that, if it happens to you, you discuss it with your parents and go to a gynecologist who will perform a complete review and determine what exactly is happening. If the periods are shortened very frequently, anemia can occur and for this reason you must be monitored.
  • In the case of women older than 50 years, the usual thing is that the menstrual cycles are coming to an end. This causes hormonal imbalances that in turn can cause menstruation to be absent for several months and then to come again with several bleeds in the same month. In order to determine that the menopause has definitely arrived, the rule must be absent for a year consecutively. In any case, if you are over 50 and have had your period twice a month, it is recommended that you visit the gynecologist to confirm if it is due to menopause or for some other reason that can sometimes be important.

Why do I get my period twice in a month?

  1. First of all, you should keep in mind that, if you have had your period twice in a month, in addition to being irregular, it could be something normal as we have just seen or something abnormal. That is why it is advisable to see your doctor to clear up any doubts.
  2. Among other things because these bleeds, as we have already mentioned, could cause anemia or lack of iron in the mildest cases. Also, having two periods can be a sign of infection, endometriosis, or other health problems that may require medical attention and some type of treatment. It is important that you control your cycles to be aware of how often you have your period. Do not hesitate to see a doctor if the disorders continue.
  3. These are other factors that can cause you to have more than one period each month:

Regular but short menstrual cycles 

First of all, you should keep in mind that menstrual cycles may not be of an exact month, so if you have a shorter cycle, of 26 days, for example, two can be combined in the same month. Your period could come at the beginning of the month and the next one in the final days.

A disturbance of hormones 

Hormones can be altered for many reasons, such as, for example, if you gain or lose weight quickly (due to thyroid problems, an increase in a hormone called prolacin…) and without medical control, hormones may change your body and that is the cause of your period coming down twice a month. Excessive exercise can also alter hormones, as well as the use of contraceptive methods that are not being adequate or even the intake of other medications.

Start taking the pill or any other contraceptive method

During the first months after starting to take this contraceptive method, menstruation may suffer certain imbalances. For example, there are women who experience some type of secretion in the middle of the cycle. If this persists for some time, you should see a professional to review the treatment.

The rule can also be varied by stress

If you have an unstable emotional state due to stress, extreme sadness due to family or economic concerns, due to the grief of someone you love, if you have depression or anxiety… all this can also cause changes in your menstrual cycle and make you drop two. times in the same month or that the opposite occurs and that it does not go down for some time.

Health problems or taking medications

As we said, there are some medications that can affect your menstrual cycle, so you will need to talk to your doctor to find out the effects it can have on your period. In addition, there may be some health problems that affect the period, such as uterine problems, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), thyroid problems or reactions to contraceptive methods.

An unbalanced thyroid

Yes, having a decompensated thyroid can cause certain imbalances in your menstruation, among them, that your period comes down twice a month. Women with hypothyroidism may have a much heavier menstrual cycle, even with pain. In the case of hyperthyroidism, a reduction in bleeding or lack of menstruation (or amenorrhea) could appear.

Non-regular bleeding

Typically, if you have bleeding in the vaginal area, you immediately associate it with your period. However, it is important that you keep in mind that, sometimes, small injuries in the area, violent intimate relationships and even a cut produced when shaving can also cause bleeding. If you only bleed a little, you do it only for one day and after you have done a specific activity, for example, riding a bike, it is very likely that it is an external injury that has nothing to do with your period. Of course, if, on the contrary, the bleeding is abundant and extends for several days, it is best to go to the gynecologist as soon as possible for an assessment. Another possible cause is bleeding from the rectum or in the urine, which can also sometimes be confused.

Possible pregnancy

  • If you are sexually active, it is likely that two bleeds in the same month are due to a possible pregnancy. Believe it or not, during the first trimester of pregnancy there may be small bleeding that differs from the rule because it is not very abundant and is brown or pinkish in color. In this case, you should also contact your health professional to clarify any doubts.
  • And to you, does your rule come down twice a month? Remember that the important thing is to go to your gynecologist, he will be the one who can best help you depending on your case.

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