Can I get my period while pregnant? If you are pregnant and have experienced a little bleeding, it is very likely that you are asking yourself this question. The truth is that you can bleed while you are pregnant, but in no case can you have your period in such circumstances. Biologically it is impossible, since the egg is fertilized.
It is very common for pregnant women to bleed in the first weeks of their pregnancy. Why does this happen? The reasons are several and in this article we are going to explain them to you. Very attentive!
Menstruation and pregnancy
- The bleeding that can arise in the first weeks of our pregnancy has nothing to do with menstruation. To menstruate, a woman must have released an egg that has not been fertilized by a sperm. This means that it is totally impossible to be pregnant and continue menstruating since the egg is already fertilized.
- There are quite a few differences between menstrual bleeding and bleeding that occurs early in pregnancy. To begin with, this bleeding that we have when we are pregnant is much darker, almost brown. On the other hand, it is less abundant than what we usually have during our menstrual days. And also, this bleeding lasts much less than the bleeding of menstruation.
- Almost 30% of women have this problem, do not be scared. In general, these are small, unimportant hemorrhages that do not pose a danger to the baby or the mother, however, it is always preferable to notify and consult with our doctor to verify that there is no abnormality and that the pregnancy is continuing. completely normal.
Is it normal to bleed during pregnancy? most common causes
As we have already mentioned, menstruation during pregnancy is not possible, however many women experience vaginal bleeding during this stage, mainly in the first months. This type of bleeding is called decidual hemorrhage and appears as a result of the partial detachment of the lining of the uterus during the first three or four months of pregnancy.
The hormonal imbalance that is generated at this stage of pregnancy causes blood loss caused by three main reasons:
- Embryo implantation: during the first weeks of pregnancy, it is very common for the well-known implantation bleeding to occur. Generally, this bleeding takes place before having a delay in the period (in fact, it is often confused with it) and it happens due to the rupture of the blood vessels that occurs so that the connection of vessels between the mother and mother can begin to develop. the baby. This will later give rise to the future placenta. Implantation bleeding is characterized by being brown or pinkish in color and is much less abundant than period bleeding.
- Changes in the cervix: the female reproductive system is preparing for the time of delivery, which causes a greater amount of blood to flow to the cervix that can cause small hemorrhages.
- Organic memory: we can stain regularly given the automatic continuation of the functions of our reproductive system during the menstrual cycle.
Other causes of blood loss in pregnancy
With all of the above, it has become clear that small blood losses are usually generated by the normal physiological development of pregnancy. However, there are times when some complications can lead to serious and dangerous bleeding. In these cases, you must be very attentive to the signs and go immediately to the gynecologist. These may be some of the causes:
- Placental problems: Bleeding during pregnancy may be due to abruptio placenta or placenta previa (occurs when the placenta grows low in the uterus and covers all or part of the opening of the cervix).
- Ectopic pregnancy: occurs when the embryo implants outside the uterus, for example in the fallopian tubes. Bleeding during pregnancy can alert you to the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. If it is caught in time, a medication will suffice to stop the pregnancy, otherwise surgery will be necessary.
- Molar pregnancy: molar pregnancy consists of a malformation of the placenta tissue that can end up leading to genital bleeding.
- Intrauterine hematomas: these are crescent-shaped structures caused by the appearance of small pools of blood between the chorionic tissue and the superficial layers of the endometrium. When these bruises appear, the pregnancy is considered high risk.
Non-menstrual bleeding usually occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, if once advanced the bleeding recurs, in a much more abundant way, we have to go to the doctor immediately, because we may be suffering a miscarriage.
The most frequent questions about pregnancy and menstruation
Can I be pregnant even if I have my period?
If you are pregnant you will not get your period, however, it is very common to have vaginal bleeding (especially during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy) that can be confused with menstruation. You can differentiate this period bleeding by its color and abundance. It can be dark brown or very light, almost pink. Also, it is not as heavy as menstrual bleeding and lasts fewer days than the latter.
Around 30% of pregnant women have some type of bleeding during the first weeks of pregnancy. This may be due to implantation of the fertilized egg, infection, cervical irritation, ectopic pregnancy, or threatened miscarriage.
When will my period come back after being pregnant?
After pregnancy and childbirth, the woman’s body gradually recovers its natural state and functions. If after giving birth you have decided to feed your baby by means of artificial lactation, it is most likely that the period will reappear from the seventh week after delivery. If, on the other hand, you are going to breastfeed your child, menstruation may be delayed for a few more weeks. Remember that even if you do not have your period, you are still fertile, so it is best to use a contraceptive method if you want to prevent a new pregnancy.