Bleeding between one menstrual period and another, is it normal?

Menstruation is different for every woman, but there are some basic patterns. The normal thing is that the rule lasts between 2 and 8 days and the menstrual cycle consists of between 28 and 32 days. However, there are women who have abnormal or irregular menstruation and this makes them get out of these basic patterns, with a longer duration of the period or with bleeding between periods. Whenever we notice any anomaly, we must go to the doctor, because although it may seem normal to us, it is not always like that, so it is better to put ourselves in the hands of a specialist.

Bleeding between menstrual periods

  • Bleeding between periods is termed as metrorrhagia. The first thing you have to do if you notice that you bleed without having your period is to check if the blood comes from the vagina, since it can come from other places, for this it is best to insert a tampon to see where it comes from. Once the verification is done, you must keep track of how many tampons or pads you use when this happens. So you can determine the amount of your bleeding. If it happens to you frequently, it is best to visit a professional because this type of bleeding can occur for many reasons. These can be serious, such as uterine fibroids, inflammation or infection of the vagina, or they may not be very serious, such as causes due to hormonal changes, stress or vaginal dryness due to lack of estrogen after menopause.
  • There may also be other reasons to explain this, each woman’s body is very different. Some women during ovulation have little bleeding, so there is no need to be alarmed, although it is always advisable to consult a doctor. Another reason may be due to the use of contraceptive methods such as the pill or the IUD. This type of bleeding happens when you start using these methods or soon after you stop using them. When you are reaching the age to stop being fertile, many hormonal alterations occur in your body and one of them may be bleeding between periods.
  • If you go to the doctor, he will give you the appropriate treatment for what happens to you. In general, young girls, who have had their period for a short time, are not given any type of treatment, since it is considered that their own body has not yet regulated itself. Older women regulate this by taking the pill or using the intrauterine device, better known as IUD, since it releases the progestin hormone.

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