Pads do not give up on tampons: their improved evolution

During the days that menstruation lasts, we must choose which protection method to use. Although for many women tampons are the best option, pads are still the preferred choice for most women.

They are long, made of cellulose and covered with a plastic, and are placed in the underwear. They absorb the bleeding once it has already left our body.

Although there are different sizes for us to use depending on the day of the menstrual phase that we are in, generally, the pads are quite thin, contrary to those that existed when they began to emerge.

They come in individual packages and contain substances that eliminate the odor produced by the contact of blood with air.

Unscented and unbleached pads

  • The pads that we normally buy in the supermarket have been subjected to a chlorine bleaching process so that they look like cotton, they also contain perfumes and gels designed to eliminate bad odors and solidify the flow, avoiding stains on clothes. These two aspects can cause irritations in the outer area of ​​the vagina as well as allergic reactions and infections by bringing blood and plastic in direct contact with the vulva for long periods of time.
  • Ideally, we should use pads and tampons that are unbleached and fragrance-free and are also made entirely of cotton, the problem is that they are more difficult to find and we do not always have enough time to go buy them at the specific places where they are sold.

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