A woman’s period is one of the most predictable parts of her life. As women, we all have our period at a certain age, although the factors and the situation vary in each one of us. The body of each one is different, as well as genetic factors (von Willebrand disease, is a disorder that has to do with blood coagulation, which takes longer to clot and bleeding to stop and that depends on genetics relative- mother, aunts or cousins).
When the rule comes down for the first time, the body will have to get used to a monthly routine so that menstruation appears every month. However, once it goes down, the woman may be without it for a few months, until it returns and it is the body itself that regulates that state. At first, this fact is somewhat more frequent than you think.
Even while the body is regularizing itself to achieve a menstrual balance, there are other factors that can affect this routine. For example, if you are very thin or exercise too much, your period may stop, or it may even last longer. If so, you should go to the specialist doctor to discuss the problem, especially if it is nutritional or if it is being altered by an unhealthy and balanced diet.
Other factors that can affect your period
Stress can be another factor that affects your menstrual cycle. If you are suffering from moments of stress, it is likely that your period will undergo changes and be altered. Although in the long term it is not something to worry about, you should reduce moments of tension, but if this is not possible, you will have to handle these situations by going to a specialist or talking to a trusted friend or a member of your family.
- A physical illness can also be another factor that affects your period. A cold or the flu can cause a change in the female period. Also, any other physical illness can cause major menstrual changes. In this case, and if your period is too irregular, you should discuss it with your gynecologist.
- Other conditions, such as hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid, can be the cause of an irregular period, with heavier and infrequent cycles. There are also other chronic diseases that are accompanied by stress, and also cause menstrual disorders and changes. You should talk to your doctor about these menstrual cycle disturbances, especially if you have frequent or prolonged nosebleeds or heavy bleeding after childbirth or dental work.
- On the other hand, prolonged periods can cause uterine fibroids, non-cancerous tumors that appear inside the uterus. Heavy, painful or irregular periods can also be the result of endometriosis – it consists of the appearance and growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, especially in the pelvic cavity such as in the ovaries, in the intestine, behind the uterus, in the uterine ligaments or in the urinary bladder. Polycystic ovary syndrome is also another factor that causes uncontrolled menstrual periods with irregular periods.
- If you are close to menopause, your period may come less often until it finally stops.
- And of course, pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, and miscarriages affect the female menstrual period. If you think you are pregnant, take a pregnancy test and if the result is positive, you should see your GP.