Can you get pregnant without having your period? Yes, it is possible, but also unlikely. If you haven’t had your period for months, it’s time to visit the gynecologist, as there may be many reasons why your period doesn’t come down. Could you be pregnant and not know it? Do you want to get pregnant and your period doesn’t come down? What does the period have to do with pregnancy? Read carefully and discover what you should do in case something similar happens to you.
Getting pregnant without having the period: relationship between menstruation and pregnancy
- The period is a sign that the female reproductive system is working properly. Likewise, the menstrual cycle supposes the preparation of the woman’s body for a possible pregnancy. All this is the result of the interaction of the central nervous system, the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, the ovary and the gonaduct. But how does menstrual bleeding occur? All this takes place through the process known as ovulation, by which the natural detachment of a mature egg from the ovary occurs, which, after passing through the fallopian tube, passes into the uterus and can be fertilized.
- If you have unprotected intercourse during the five days of ovulation, the sperm can fertilize the egg. The egg is normally ‘short-lived’, but the male sperm can survive inside the uterus for up to five days. If the sperm manages to fertilize the egg, you could be pregnant.
- Following the ovulation process, the hormone progesterone triggers the lining – also known as the endometrium – of the uterus to prepare for the possible growth of an embryo. During the next ten/fifteen days the endometrium thickens and its physiological structure changes to adapt to the embryo.
- If so, the embryo will implant in the uterine lining seven to ten days after ovulation. This will lead to the appearance of new hormones, which prepare for the possible pregnancy. Otherwise, if there is no pregnancy, progesterone levels begin to drop and the unfertilized egg will be expelled through menstrual bleeding.
- As it is expelled, the body begins to release hormones to re-trigger ovulation the following month. The period marks the end of a cycle. Ovulation is necessary to become pregnant. If you have a regular period, ovulation will be regular and you will be able to better control those days within the month.
Can you ovulate without having your period?
If you do not have your period, it is unlikely that you are ovulating. Menstruation marks the end of a cycle. If you ovulate and the egg is not fertilized, then menstruation will appear. However, if you do not have a regular menstrual cycle, you can start a new menstrual cycle at any time. There are some reasons why your period may not come down:
- You may be pregnant. If you have irregular periods, and suddenly your period stops, you may be pregnant. But what if the test is negative? Still, you can be pregnant. In any case, you should consult your doctor to follow up and check if you are pregnant.
- You are breastfeeding. Breastfeeding can delay the descent of menstruation. When will it come down again? It will depend on how often you breastfeed the baby and the body of each woman.
- You stop taking the birth control pill. You should consult with the specialist doctor to keep track and depending on the body of each person it will take more or less.
- Any medication you are taking has influenced your menstrual cycle. Some of them may be psychiatric medications, chemotherapy, allergy or blood pressure pills.
- Obesity is another of the most common causes of hormonal changes. Obese women may experience irregular menstrual cycles, and in some cases, periods may stop. Losing weight can restart or regulate your cycles.
- Your weight is below average. Lack of fat can unbalance the menstrual cycle. If this is the problem, when you gain weight, your menstrual cycles should restart.
- Practice a lot of sport. You can have a ‘normal’ weight, but what really affects your period is the amount of fat. Many athletes can have a high percentage of muscle. Excessive exercise can cause you to have irregular periods or stop them.
- Stress is another of the most common reasons for having irregular menstrual cycles.
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is another of the most common symptoms that causes a woman to have an irregular period or, even, that she is absent for a while.
- You have primary ovarian failure. What it does is have irregular or absent periods. It could also lead to early menopause.
- Other hormonal imbalances. Thyroid problems, endometriosis or diabetes, can be the reason for an irregular period.
- Structural problem in the womb. If you have undergone surgery in the uterus and there are scars, your period may be irregular.
- Onset of menopause. It is unlikely that it appears before the age of 45, although a small percentage do suffer from it, but when it appears it is normal for it to cause a lack of periods until it completely disappears.
If you want to get pregnant and you don’t have your period, doctors recommend that you try to conceive for a year, before getting the infertility results. Infertility can occur if the rule does not come down. Both the woman and the man must be evaluated for a first-hand diagnosis.
On the other hand, if you don’t want to get pregnant, but your menstrual cycle is absent or very irregular, talk to your doctor to control it and that each month the period goes down and avoid worries (infertility).