Menstrual clots are normal for many women, but they can also be a sign of changes occurring internally in a woman’s body, which may or may not be significant. But what exactly are they? Menstrual clots are the body’s natural result of controlling bleeding and can be dark red or just plain dark.
Menstrual clots usually appear on the busiest days of your period, and when there are multiple clots in your period, your menstrual blood may appear thicker or denser than normal.
Why do menstrual clots form?
- A woman’s body normally releases anticoagulants to prevent menstrual blood from clotting, but when the blood is too abundant and is expelled too quickly, it does not give time for the anticoagulants to work and this is what causes clots to form. In this sense, if the blood accumulates faster than normal, your body will not have time to transfer it out of the uterus, so the blood will coagulate.
- If at any time you see that you have clots that are too large or that there are too many, you should see your doctor to rule out something abnormal in your period or menstruation.
Clots in the rule: the normality of menstruation
- Yes, they are. Many women have clots during menstruation, although there are some factors that will determine if there will be more clots, such as: the size of the uterus, the ability of the uterine muscle to contract well, fibroids, adenomyosis, the diameter of the cervical canal through which blood must come out or any obstruction in the blood outlet such as polyps.
- In any case, the most important indicators are the duration and amount of coagulation. If you have normal bleeding that is not out of the ordinary for you and does not cause anemia, clotting should not be a concern because it is part of your normal menstrual period.
- But if you feel pain that is not normal, if you have many menstrual clots, if you feel dizzy, fatigued, with any discomfort that is not normal or you simply think that something is not right, then do not hesitate to see your doctor as soon as possible. to assess your situation.