What happens to our hair during the period?

Surely during menstruation, you all appreciate a series of changes in your physical appearance and hair can be one of the parts of the body that changes the most, although the skin, nails, eyes, extremities also do…

This is because women experience a series of internal changes in our bodies, which are often seen on the outside. Hormones are the main culprits for all these changes, which have their scientific reasoning. Of course, some women notice these skin changes more, others notice them in their mood or their hair, and still others don’t notice them at all. We, on this occasion, will focus on the changes that our hair undergoes in this period.

Surely you have noticed that your hair is more or less clean or with more or less movement, depending on the moment in which your menstrual cycle is. And if you have not come to observe so much, surely you will have noticed less life and looseness in your hair when you are on your period. This is due to decreased estrogen and increased sebum production, as well as hypersensitivity and dry scalp.

The best thing in these cases is extreme hygiene, that is, if your hair is oilier than usual, do not hesitate to wash it more times. Do not pay attention to the false beliefs and myths of grandmothers who said that you should not wash your hair during your period, or take a shower… Quite the contrary, during this period you have to shower more times than usual.

Changes in our hair before, during and after the rule 

  • After menstruation. The last days of the period and the first week after it, there is an increase in estrogen and testosterone levels, something that causes fat to decrease. Therefore, the skin will look brighter and healthier, free of fat, and the hair will also be drier, something positive for women with a tendency for oily hair and negative for those who have it excessively dry. In the latter case, we recommend that you nourish your hair deeply with masks and conditioners.
  • During ovulation. This is two weeks before the period, approximately. At this time, estrogen levels grow much higher and testosterone decreases, so both complement each other to reduce sebum production and your hair will look shiny and loose, although your scalp will be more sensitive than usual, so it is recommended that you do not wash it profusely.
  • Before menstruation. One week before the period, there is an increase in progesterone and testosterone and estrogen production decreases, so your skin and hair will be much oilier.
  • During menstruation. Estrogen and prostaglandins increase, making our scalp very sensitive and hair dull. That is why, as far as possible, you should avoid applying too aggressive dyes or treatments, with ammonia, to your hair during this period.

What happens inside my body during my period?

Every month your body prepares to conceive and that is why every 28 days, an egg leaves one of your ovaries to go to your uterus through your fallopian tubes, in the process known as ovulation. In the days leading up to ovulation, the uterus lines itself with blood and extra tissue to welcome its ‘visitor’ (increase in estrogen). If the egg is not fertilized, it does not attach to the uterine wall and our body eliminates it, along with the extra tissue and blood from the uterus, in the process known as menstruation or menstruation.

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