The rule produces changes in us. That is something that you have probably already noticed: you may be hungrier, you may be more susceptible, you feel like eating fatty foods and sugars… This occurs because the body prepares itself for a supposed fertilization and so do the hormones.
On many occasions, these hormonal changes are also accompanied by rises and falls in insulin, which is why diabetics are more affected these days in their control and regulation. Hence, certain tips must be taken into account so that the period does not affect your diabetes.
In addition to diet or stress, menstruation is one of the factors that can most affect blood glucose levels: a few days before the period usually drops, the concentration rises and right after, it drops.
Why does menstruation upset you if you are diabetic?
- Those responsible for those rises and falls in sugar that we just told you about are estrogens and progesterone. The first are hormones of a sexual nature, which work in the first half of the cycle and favor the sensitivity of cells to the action of insulin. When they increase the blood sugar level tends to decrease.
- On the other hand, progesterone reinforces what was implanted in the first half of the cycle. It is very important during pregnancy and tends to increase blood sugar levels.
- These changes can make you hungry, cravings, tired, irritable… and to find out how to deal with them so that they affect your diabetes as little as possible, we have compiled 5 tips that you should keep in mind.
Useful advice so that the rule does not affect your diabetes
As we have mentioned before, when our period is going to come down we crave foods rich in sugars, fats and carbohydrates. However, falling into eating them is not going to help us, but it will increase the changes in glucose in our blood, making it difficult to control. To avoid this, keep in mind these 5 tips that will help you spend those days in the best possible way and in the most controlled way:
1.Fiber is your friend
Foods rich in fiber will help you with the feeling of hunger at all times since they are satiating. This way you can avoid all those cravings for fats and carbohydrates that will not help you balance your sugar levels.
2.Avoid caffeinated and salty foods as well as alcohol
This can lead to low blood sugar level. The liver is in charge of releasing glucose to balance blood sugar, but if you drink alcohol, it will work to break it down and will not “have time” to properly release glucose.
3.Avoid stress
Try to reduce your stress levels, take time to relax and keep a stable meal schedule. In these it is advisable to put foods with calcium and magnesium.
4.Increase monitoring
The objective of this action is to get to know your body a little better and learn how your levels change the days before and during menstruation. Do it more frequently and write down changes and symptoms that you notice compared to other days.
5.Ask your doctor the dose of insulin
It is possible that during these days and depending on the diabetes you have, your doctor will recommend gradually changing the dose of insulin or increasing the time you exercise. Therefore, if you see that your levels change and you have noted down the follow-up that you have done on them, go to him and ask him about it.