Irregular menstruation: how to know if our period is normal

The menstrual cycle is usually an endless source of discomfort for the vast majority of women. But each woman is different and each body reacts differently, which is why, even avoiding myths, it is so difficult to determine when a period is normal and when to worry and go to the doctor.

How to detect irregular menstruation

  • The usual menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. It begins on the first day of bleeding and ends on the day before the next bleeding. The days of the cycle can fluctuate depending on the woman between 21 and 35 days, and the duration of bleeding should be between 4 and 7 days.
  • In the event that menstruation appears before 20 days or takes more than 35 days, it would be necessary to go to the gynecologist because we would be facing irregular menstruation.
  • Other symptoms that we are facing an irregular menstruation can be vaginal bleeding between periods, a very painful menstruation or a very abundant or very little flow.
  • The amount of bleeding is also very difficult to determine. As a general rule, you have to be alert when bleeding completely soaks a pad or tampon in less than 2 hours.

Symptoms of menstruation

  1. The discomfort caused by menstruation is due to hormonal changes that occur throughout the cycle. All women, to a greater or lesser extent, are affected by these changes, sometimes suffering swelling, headache, muscle stiffness, sleep disturbance, back pain, palpitations, sadness, exhaustion or anxiety.
  2. It is also common to feel pain during bleeding that should go away with an anti-inflammatory. What is known as dysmenorrhea is menstruation with very intense pain and doctors warn that it is not necessary, much less normal to suffer it. If the pain causes vomiting or dizziness, contrary to popular opinion that you have to endure it every month, you should go to the gynecologist because it may be a bigger problem.

Causes of irregular menstruation

  • There are some causes that, without being dangerous disorders, can cause irregular menstruation. This is the case, for example, of adolescents. The first menstruations are usually irregular both in duration, quantity and time of appearance. There is no need to worry because with time, the menstruation will become regular.
  • Stress, travel, a change in diet, considerable weight loss, the use of certain medications, etc. They can also cause irregularities in menstruation.
  • Since there is no rule as to when we should start considering irregular periods as a problem, doctors recommend keeping track of your menstrual cycle by writing down all the details over time. To take into account is the duration of bleeding, the days that elapse between bleeding, the number of pads or tampons used, the symptoms and intensity of the same throughout the cycle or the changes that can be seen from one menstrual cycle to another.
  • With this record we achieve a more general view of menstruation that will help us detect irregularities while our gynecologist will be able to more easily determine if there is any major problem.

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