When you have given birth to your baby, you will be bleeding for several days, it can even last for weeks, but this is not the rule, menstruation will come later. Depending on whether you are breastfeeding your baby or not, your period may be affected and may be delayed for several months, so you would have your period later. Likewise, the rule can change and you notice it differently.
The rule after giving birth
- If you are a nursing mother who feeds your baby exclusively with breast milk (without combining it with formula) it is likely that your period will be delayed, so you can go up to six months without having your period.
- If you breastfeed your baby but you do it less frequently, that is, you combine breast milk with formula milk, your period can return before six months, it can even reach a month as usual.
- Although everything will depend on the woman because a woman who breastfeeds all day can have her period in the first month and another who combines breastfeeding and formula can take several months, so it is not certain that it will come sooner or later.
- It is important to remember that breastfeeding is not a guarantee that ovulation will stop, so even if the period stops, you can still ovulate and be fertile. This means that breastfeeding is in no way a natural contraceptive method.
- If you’re a non-breastfeeding mother, you’ll likely start menstruating one to three months after delivery. If more than three months have passed and your period has not yet come down, you will have to consult your doctor.
How is the menstruation after childbirth?
- You don’t have to worry if you notice that your menstrual flow is heavier or perhaps much lighter than it was before you got pregnant. In addition, it is also possible that although before you were a woman with a regular period, now you have irregular cycles. After a while everything will stabilize and return to normal.
- But if your periods aren’t regular again after a few months or you’ve had heavy bloody periods for more than two or three cycles in a row (one tampon per hour throughout the day), you’ll need to tell your doctor.