For and against the menstrual cup

The menstrual cup is a small medical silicone or rubber container that is inserted into the vagina during menstrual bleeding. This collection system of the rule adapts perfectly to the vaginal walls without coming out or moving from the site. This cup is flexible and can be worn for up to 12 hours (depending on menstrual flow). Many of them are long-lasting and reusable, while others are disposable. Would you dare to use it? We tell you the points for and against the menstrual cup.

How to put it on and how many hours does the menstrual cup last?

You may think it is difficult to use because the first few times, just like inserting a tampon, you have to find the correct position to insert it into your vagina. Before putting it on, sanitize your hands well. Depending on your menstrual flow, the cup, which holds up to 30 milliliters, should be changed every 4 or 8 hours. To remove it, you only have to grasp the extraction tube, pressing with your fingers to empty the content and, finally, remove it without problems.

Cleaning and hygiene of the menstrual cup

To clean the menstrual cup, you just have to put it in boiling water and keep it in your bag until the next period. Thanks to its unlimited use, you can put it on and take it off as many times as you want, since it is hypoallergenic and the most recommended method by doctors for feminine protection.

Points in favor of the menstrual cup

  1. It is one of the best methods of feminine intimate hygiene. Being made of medical silicone, it reduces all kinds of possibilities of accumulating dirt and residue, that is, it prevents dirt from appearing in the pores and an infection from appearing thanks to the material it is made of (silicone).
  2. Avoid odors that appear during these days of the month. You should know that these odors are caused by the mixture of blood with other materials (for example: compress).
  3. The menstrual cup does not leave residues as it happens with other protection methods (pads or tampons) that can leave residues inside the vagina and cause an infection (for example: toxic shock syndrome).
  4. Take care of your sexual life, because by collecting the menstrual flow, it does not dry out the vagina.
  5. long lasting The glass, with a cost of around 20-30 euros, lasts up to ten years, so the initial investment you make in one of them will make it profitable over time.
  6. Being made of a flexible material, it adapts perfectly to daily movements. A much more comfortable option than tampons.
  7. Protect the environment. The menstrual cup is made of ecological materials, reducing the production of waste.

Points against the menstrual cup

  • It is necessary to boil it in water for three minutes before and after use to sterilize it.
  • The cup is more difficult to place than other methods. You must practice a little before and, if necessary, moisten it so that it enters the vagina well. It has to be well placed so that the cup opens once it is inside.
  • Problem with sizes. Normally the sizes that are most found on the market are S and L. This can be an inconvenience for many women.

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